Russian intelligence attempted to recruit diplomat from Ukrainian embassy

Russian intelligence attempted to recruit diplomat from Ukrainian embassy

"Russian intelligence services used a classmate of the diplomat, with whom he studied at a military school, and who is now a retired colonel of the Russian Armed Forces. The FSB pressed on him, held talks to appeal to the Ukrainian diplomat to agree with a confidential cooperation. The Russian intelligence offered to resolve the issue of the diplomat’s property privatization in temporarily annexed Crimea and assist with transportation of his family to Russia. They threatened him in case of refusal by setting conditions for mobilizing his son to the Ukrainian Armed forces to serve later in the conflict zone in eastern Ukraine. The SBU inspection excluded such a possibility by the Russian intelligence services," the report said. The diplomat refused further contacts and discussions on the proposed "cooperation" after he was instructed by the Ukrainian counterintelligence. "The Security Service officers provided protection for the diplomat’s family who worked in encryption department and organized his return to Ukraine," the press centre noted.